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 Composer Catalog Help
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Search Tracks


You can search all the metadata tagged in your library.
Many different combinations of metadata conditions can be used to filter down to the specific condition(s) you are looking for.

Once you fill in the criteria that you want to search on, click on the Search Catalog button. If you do not find the results that you were looking for, modify the search criteria or click the Clear All Filters to start over.

TIP: If you have an audio file attached to a track, you will find the file name and file directory fields filled in. To quickly go to where the file is located on your system, click on the file directory field for the track you need. You will see another window open up to the directory that houses the track.

bring up the edit screen for the track that you are currently on
delete the track that you are currently on
play the main mix of an audio file that you have linked to the track. If there are no audio files linked, no audio will play
stop any audio file that is playing

export any results to an Excel .xls file 
export any results to an Adobe .pdf file